I am sucha good girl for these two weeks because I didnt go to any pub / clubs at all :P
Hehehehehs :)
So peepos , I can live without clubbing ya ?
Stop saying that I MUST club ok !
Since I've nothing else better to do , I decided to watch this movie which lotsa ppl told that it's very scary =.=" I really doubt how scary it was and I even hide behind baby when the "ghost" ia about to appearrr
Yea , it did make me yelled .
But seriously , it was NOT scary . Just the sound effect that made me yelled !!
But the last story of this movie was really hilarious , I never laughed like this before watching a ghost movie . Abit frightening yet FUNNY :D
Anyway I prefer the previous episode more , as it reallyyy scared the shit outta me . I screameddd my lungs out and my pillow flew up to the airr when the "ghost" appeared . HAHAHAHAHAH ~

Lucky enough to get the tickets :P
Thumbs up for this movie :)
Didnt disappoint me as I have been waiting for this since August ! I rate it 9/10
Slighty boring at the starting .. Too much of talking , well if without those boring conversations , it would be my movie of the year (:
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