So lazy to blog as I am back in Kampar. The line is so fucking lag. And I cant even receive a single song in WLM. Fuck !
I was sleeping soundly and dreaming when babe called me!
I was searching for my phone with my eyes closed, and when I grabbed it, she hung up =.="
So I continued sleeping. But too bad, I couldnt get back to sleep!
So I texted her and asked her why did she call me? She didn reply so I got up and wash my face and brushed my teeth :)
So as usual, doing nothing until 7 something, back to the dead town, KAMPAR !
So I went to pick Violet up from her house and we headed back then. As we were really free, so went back to Ipoh with Shaun and watched the Proposal. Haha.

For those who haven't watch this movie should really go check it out. It was absolutely hilarious. Haha. It's really a must to watch, I laughed with tears until the end. And the doggy is really so damn adorable! I really feel like pinching it marn! Then we went back to Kampar again, yum cha and gossip, then.. the day ended. HAHA
I really hate monday alot. Really. Because I'll started missing my weekends so darn darn much!
Urghh, I cant club, cant lepak with my buddies when I am back in Kampar, damn it. I wanna shift back to Ipoh. Or to a BETTER place with MORE entertainments.
I am SO dead here okay . Really need a break !
I wanted to skip my BS lecture class so so much as I didnt sleep well the night before. Well because of a peculiar reason. *it's really a vile thing to say*
We were so so punctual today. Haha. Actually it's our lecturer who always late to class.
Erm, for today slightly better, late for 20 minutes. Urggh! Waste my precious time. I was starving that time, hope to end the lesson asap and fly to my lunch.
But too bad she came late and dismissed late. Really hate it,
she should really learn to be more punctual.
Ate KFC after class weeee ;) hahaha.
Then later at night, babe and I cooked maggie mee and "yellow beans" with eggs.
She ate two packets, and I cant even finish one packet. WOW!
My college has started the Vehicle Chaining thing again so I had to apply for my vehicle.
So I called mom and ask her to prepare those documents and a letter,
then she told me that she will be going to Redang or Perhentian Island with her friends will bring me along.
I wonder, should I go? And who should I go with? I always hope to go with him, but... now.
I just dont feel like going. Sigh.
But I really missed the soft sandy beach there.
I can really feel the loneliness now. And I fucking hate it.
I hate to be alone. I just want to be loved.
I really hate those feeling, why I can never have happy endings?
Dont I deserve one?
I am very fragile as well, I can break down like the others.
It's so unfair. Why the others can have such wonderful life but NOT me? Why?
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