Their big day had finally arrived :)
Congratulations and may your life bless with endless bliss :P
Attended their wedding eve and wedding dinner last week,
and it was really a hectic weekend for me.
I slept at around 5am after preparing stuff for the next day.
And then got up at 7.30 to rush to her hse.
Then I went to pick Sabrina up and we headed to Esther's house.
When we arrived,
only her family.
We were the earliest!
So we started making the wasabi sandwiches for the bridegroom and his "brothers"
But too bad the playing session lasted only for 10minutes.
We dont even have time to finish the drinks.
Erm, the bridgroom threw up after drinking the spicy one. HAHA.
So the elderly started mumbling and complained.
So we stopped. Ish.
Wasted my effort!
This drink is killing him. LOL.

We adjourned to Barroom after the dinner.
But we only stayed there for awhile as we were kinda pissed off by the ppls over there.
Especially Sabrina. Hmm.
Later on, Esther asked us to join her at Tin Valley so we went there.
But when we arrived there, she told us that she will be coming in later.
It is really a damn LALA place with LALA ppls. Ewww. Just another SG8.
So we waited and waited for so long and I texted her asking when will she be coming in and yet she told me she wasnt coming in as she was going to Voodoo.
I was like WTF?
We were waiting inside like some fool ass yet she left without telling.
So we were all infuriated.
And went to Kopitiam for yum cha.
And there, there is one ill mannered waiter there,
feeling like slapping his fat face.
Very very bad service he provide, with his savage manners.
Ish really feel like scolding him.
So Sushi kept asking him to do this and that and ordered her food one by one lol
cos she said she wanted him to walk for thousand times. LOL
And after that we all went home and sleeep.
So this was how my day ended.
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