Hi, I've finally made my decision as I bought the Sony Vaio C Series. And unpredictably, I bought ORANGE color instead of PINK as PINK is always my favourite. But this orange color really attracts me alot so I decided, time for another color in my room? :P

I was actually been asking for opinions in Facebook/Twitter for which one should I buy (in case you dont read my blog and have no idea what I'm talking about, I was choosing in btw MAC and Vaio), so quite alot of them suggest that I should get Vaio as I want to stick with Windows. So yea, I bought the Vaio and there so many ppl asked me why did I get Vaio instead of Mac and criticise how bad Vaio is. So, sunk cost incurred :( At first I was still ok with it as I like this Vaio so much, but then when a small problem occur, I started to feel regret :((((
Well, lets have a look at the pic that is taken by this laptop's webcam.

It's like sepia right? No matter how you adjust it's just like this. WTF?
So I went back to Sony Centre and complained about it. And they ask me to leave my lap to them and they will send back to the service centre to get it fix. Well is this lap has been used for like half a year or so, I dont mind getting fix. But hell no!
I've only used it for a day!! No, not even a day because it's less than 24 hours. So I made a fuss about it there and they finally asked me to take it to the service centre myself and eye on the technician whom gonna examine it. Ish. And so I'm going there on Monday. Argghh. Please, less trouble please. Dont make me feel regret :(
I guess you would be wondering what does my post relate to sleepless week? Because I dont get enough of sleep this week. I had tons of assignments and presentations this week and I still had to rush back Ipoh to get this laptop fixed, and karaoke, and to celebrate my housemate's / best friend's hubby's birthday. So we gave him a lil surprise in Berlinz Bier Houz after our movie, X-Men : First Class.
First, we pretended to have drinks and chit chat there, and then the cake comes. Lastly, as he always guess that his girlfriend bought him a watch as birthday gift, so we might as well make his wish come true. She actually bought him a Nokia N8, but since he thought it was a watch so we purposely wrapped it in a watch box and gave him with a "City Chain" paperbag. So, he totally thought that it was a watch and when he opened it, taddaaa here comes a cellphone :D

birthday boy.
Happy Birthday Mr. Eldy Liew! :)
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