It's Saturday!
HAHA. What's so special with it?
Nothing actually. Just....
LOL. I know it's quite stupid.
I am such a good girl and home lover now as I always stay at home,
even during the weekends.
No more clubbing for me =/
Never club so for so damn long already.
The last time was when Ah Loong came back,
just to show his gf what's night life here.
And seriously, sucks lor.
Bored like shit only.
Went to Kbox tonight.
At least something better than at home right?
But the sound system there was hmmm....

Read babe's blog earlier just now.
Hmm. She is just so naive to believe that the guy is still in love with her.
Or should I say she is just deluding herself that he is still in love with her?
If he really loves you, why is he ignoring you all the time?
He is just so pathetic. Urgh.
Just fuck it. Fuck him.
I hate guys that dont take a relationship seriously. I really hate those assholes or bastards should I call?
Pretending to be sucha perfect ones infront of us and a devil behind us.
Owh, so sophisticated!~
It is a sin to deceive a woman's heart. You know?
& this reminds me of something.
*Question for you* Do you feel sated doing so?
I reckon this type of ppl should end up in hell x8
Had a lil arguement with mom this evening.
She was mumbling and keep nagging me whenever she sees me.
I felt so fedup and frustated so *grimaces* infront her. (provoking her actually)
And she just brust like *machine guns* ...
So when she asked me to keep the clothes I was whining all the way.
And this enrage her anger.
I dunno what the hack wrong with me.
Later on when I asked bout when is she gonna bring me to salon to cut and do treatment for my hair,
she just evaded my questions and walked upstairs.
Owh~ Fine. Dont talk to me then.
Later at night, she called and I didnt pick up.
I did it on purpose. Who asked her to ignore me first. Hmmph.
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