Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm sick! Sobs. The first day of coll and I'm sick.
Super sorethroat and headache. Hmmm. Maybe cos I was caught in the rain. Sigh sigh.
I brought a lot of things when I go back to Kampar, around 6 packs including my luggage and laptop. I thought I wont leave anything behind this time as I always forget things =P
As I wasnt feeling so well so I napped in the car.
But when I reach around Gopeng, I realise that I forgot to bring my blanket and bedsheet back! Ish!! I left it in my maid's room. Sobs.
So I called mom to ask her to bring it to Violet and pass it to me when she's back. But then mom didnt answer my call. I called her for more than ten times and yet she didnt answer. So I called back home and told my dad to ask my mom to call me at once!
Later on when I was half asleep in the car, mom called and I told her to pass my blankey to Violet in The Store.
When we reached, dear was so kind to sweep and mop the floor for me =) ... Hmm. Nah. Actually is he who promised to clean it for me. xDDDDD
Later on, I was feeling even more ill and so dizzy. So dear asked me to take my medic. But I havent eat anything yet that time so he cooked pasta for me. This was the very first time he cook something for me. LOL. xD =DD

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