Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sem break ;PP

Exams exams exam's still on! Finished up 6 subjects by now. Left 2. Well, My BIS for today was like speechless. I DID study but I dont know how to write the essay. Study = dont know Dont study = dont know. Whats the difference then? Sighh. But suprising, I did my QS(something like add maths thingy) until the very last minute when I heard the word "STOP WRITING" hahaha. So unexpected. KAKAKA.
After exam, I went for lunch with Min Hong and Chelsey :) Hehehe. I brought Chelsey along. HAHA. And this weekend, I spent most of my time with her.

Fatty Ding Ding!

Growing fatter and fatter! HAHA

Min Hong's Idea.

I just love her to the maxx.

Chelsey & quater of Edwin.
Edwin so sayang her.

After this Saturday's exam, here comes my SEM BREAK! Weeeheee *

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