Class ended at 12.00pm. As Violet's daddy was coming to pick us up at 1.00pm, we rusheddd home and get our stuff packed. His daddyy was like so punctual.... Luckily I was done on time. ZzZz.
My Daddy came to fetch me home from Violet's homiee. :)
Then daddy bought me KFC that Violet has been craving for so DAMN long! KEKE. So I texted her and told her I was eating KFC on purposeee :D
Then daddy bought me KFC that Violet has been craving for so DAMN long! KEKE. So I texted her and told her I was eating KFC on purposeee :D
Wedgesss :P yummyy
At home,
I had a great fight with him because of the of the pettiest thing in the world. And he was like trying to retaliate for what happened. ISH....
He denied of cos. ZzzZz. I was quite cranky so it went bing bang bongggg.......
At night....
I had my dinner at Sky Corner or known as 天涯海角 at East. I prefer going for steambeat at MP rather than there. Because they have less choice for me to choose. Hehhehe. I ate Sushi more than what usually I eat for steamboat... LALALALA.
While Seng and Wei Lun was "cooking" as the claimed they were,
Sabrina and I like usual, camwhore and camwhoreee. :PP

A Sab on the phone with 俊仔
After dinner, we adjourned to Kbox as it was Sushi's birthday. When I was there, I didnt even go into her room. As I know NO one in the room except her. So we went to Ah Lik's room. And there I saw Wai Yee ;) Yang's ex gf. LOL.

Petrol's price is like rising so damn high but we were wasting petrol the whole night. From East to Parade then went back to East to go for yum cha which ended to Sincero for less than an hour! LOL.
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