I am having finals now
But why I am still so free to blog?
Cos I am so freaking stress okay. I've been studying non stop(actually.... hehehehe)
And when I get to the exam hall. It's like. What this and what that when I read my exam paper.
How hurt. I've been reading the same thing all night. But yet I forgot when I got in the hall :(
and one thing to be complained about the hall is, it's too fucking cold. Really!
How can u think in sucha cold enviroment? Ridiculous.
They should really fix it ler.
And one thing, during the first day of my exam..
Which is my first paper, Moral & Etika(dun ask me why I still have to take moral, I wanted to know too =.=), the hall got black out after 15 mintues and for another 15 minutes. Yea, black out supposed to be no electricity for everything.
But the AIRCOND is still working!! WTF.
Off it at least for 15 minutes.
Everyone would be a lil warmer.
Ish ish. I was hoping, off it off it. But .. it's still so damn cold.
While I was studying jus now, I took a break and went online.
As usual, Facebook, Twitter.
Randomly, I saw someone's picture. That I envy her so so much.
She traveled to so so many places. Amazing places, like Europe - GOSH MILAN AND ITALY!! I so wanna go there k.
And the MOST MOST amazing, enchanting one, of cos is my dream dream Maldives.
The pictures she took in Maldives was extrodinary. I was so so in love.
How I wish I could stay there for just a week.
Guess I should work really hard yea?

Firstly, I wanna spend my XMAS in a winter country that snow. I want white xmas!
Hehe. I wanna go Japan or Korea.
See, so nice in Japan and Korea.
and of course. Maldives. It's a Paradise.
Feel so too?!
I always dream to go there. Blue sea water. Crystal clear.
How amazing. :)
That girl even brought her toy around. I'd rather be here toy marn!
Can have branded clothes and accessories.
Just a toy. But deserves such love. Can I be the one? :P
But for now, I know it's quite impossible for me to achieve my dreams.
So maybe after I work, save for few year? HAHAHA.
Wait for me Maldives and Jap!!
For now, I guess I should save to go somewhere nearer, which I can afford.
I want to go Taiwan this year end. Or Hong Kong again.
I miss Hong Kong and Macau!
I am so gonna save 3k for my trip this XMAS.
I am coming! :)
Stop dreaming and go to study now.