Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Kampar. LONELY :(
I woke up VERY early today. 8.15am..... to get myself prepared before 8.50am as Bu Zai said he'll be fetching me to college and he dont wanna be late. I waited until 8.53am, but he also havent reach, so I texted him asking whether he'll be coming or not. He told me he's NOT going! == and he forgot to tell me T.T. So I quickly rushed and ran to college cos I'll be late as I normally walk like a tortoise >.<" ... But when I reached, my lecturer wasn't there! He was even later than me KAKA. After English, I went for breakfast with Yin Sum, Jan Yee and Lance :P Ate chee cheong fun :PPPPP yummmyy! After eating, we went back to my hostel and "shop" awhile in Jan Yee's car. HAHA. Confusing? Erm, she's selling clothes, bags and some other girly stuff and all her stocks is in her so, we "shopped" by her car LOL! Anyone interested? Can tell me ya:) Nice clothes and bags :DD kindly visit http://profiles.friendster.com/6840361 on bags, clothes, mask and etc.
I was SO paiseh durinf my Economics classssssss! ZzzZzzz. My tutor asked me few questions but I cant even explained one!! Zzzz! So me and Jan Yee stood infront like a model where my tutor explained for us, hmmmm.... Why cant she let us go back to our seat while she explain? SWT.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Hmmm. I woke up at 3something today. Hahahaaa. Now I realise sleeping in an air conditioned room is very comfortable. HAHA. Unlike in Kampar, hot like shit.
The 1st thing I did today was to EAT! HAHA. I can never diet la. Sighh. I am so so bored, can anyone suggest me with something? LOL. Actually I thought of going to yum cha with Seng but at the end, he said canceled. == Later on, had a small fight with dear. Then later at night, I finally solved the problem with babe. Felt relief and I hope it wont happen again!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Spirit =.=
I woke up kinda late today. Around 2.30pm? HEHEH. The very first thing I did after I woke up was to have my brunch :P hahaha. I wonder what can I do after that cos I was like so damn bored. Nothing to do except onlining or wath tv. Sighh. So I ended up watching tv, Astro On Demand. From 3pm until 7.30pm! LOLx. This is how freeee I am now. I was supposed to study as exam is so damn near!! But, I forgot to bring my notes and books back, all in Kampar..
At night,
Met Hsin Yee at Parade to collect tickets for the Beach Party in Lost World on the 31st December. So, we went and shopped awhile in Parade as it was still early and I dont feel like eating yet. When we passed the cinema, so we went to have a look whether there's any movie for us as we got nothing better else to do. All Malays except The Spirit. So we bought the tickets. I wanted to watch The Day The Earth Stood Still but some of my friends said this movie is kinda boring. Hmmm.. Better download ya? LOL.
Then, I went to have my dinner in Moven Peak in Greentown. I had Cheesy Baked Rice with Assorted Seafoods. Super full after eating half of it so he finished it up for me ;) Hehehe. When I was on the way to Parade, I bumped into my brother and he wanted to join me for movie but too bad no more tics for him HAHA.
The Spirit was really a VERY BORING movie. I dont understand what is it all about at all. HAHA! So better dont watch ya? HAHA.
I am so confused.
I can forgive this person for this last time but this person come to me.....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas's One Night Stand. LOL
I didnt really slept well last night as I was rushing my QS(Quantitative Studies)'s assignment until today's 12.45pm! I was told that I was supposed to pass up my assginment on 24/12/08, before 12.30pm. When I knew, it was already 1.00am!! WTF? But no one to blame except myself for not paying FULL attention in class. My badddd. So I slept at 3.00am, figuring how to do, but in the end... I GAVE IT. I was totally blank!! Morningggg, 9.30am, I woke up and continued my assignment.. And I finally managed to finish and pass up on time =) Hehehe
&& my class broke the record for today as there were only 6ppl in the class. HAHAHA. If me and Violet skipped the class as well, there would only be 4 of them HAHAHA. WASTING my time only. After class, Nick came and pick me up. Then, I actually planned to have a nap but ended up watching movie, "Returning Pearl Princess" until he called and urged me to shower. HHAHAHA... and I finally got my lazy ass upppp. =DD After fetching Violet back, I realised Ding Ding's food and stuff was still with me I went back and gave it to her. Forgetful ;P
I went home and changed and .. make up myself abit. We then adjourned to EAST. It was like so damn JAMMED there. Everyone thronged the place. We rounded over and over again for almost an hour just to find a place and get our cars parked. I was planning to have dinner + supper in Olivenz. But there were soooo many ppl and we have to wait 1 hour ++ for our meal. Siggghh. Hungry like shit la me. The waiter told me that ONLY hot drinks are available that time, but in less than 1/2 hour time, I saw those waiters and waitresses serving the other customers with ICE BLENDED. :@ so I asked the manager about it, he said... They JUST refilled. I dont believe they dont know when they would refill and cant they tell me that if I were to wait awhile then I can have it too? ZzZzzZz since there aint any different as my HOT drinks came about 45 minutes after I ordered.
Our next stop was RUM JUNGLE. Met Su San over there. But that BABI, I guessed she was drunk cos I called her for so many times and yet she cant listen. Bored there as well. One Night Stand over there, nothing much. I cant even manage to dance and move my body... Too crowded.. Sigghhh.

Pressie =)

Friday, December 19, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Another boring weekend.
new hairstyle...
the earring that I bought
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Happy birthday honey :)

Happy birthday Honey. Loveya tons. May all your wishes come true ;)
Working is TIRING.
I was supposed to sell out 25 notebook/laptops/dekstop in order to hit my jackpot. But unfortunately and lady luck wasn't at my side, I only managed to sell ..... 6!! LOL!! First time selling pc is like that la. Its not that easy. Customers nowadays are kinda lousy they demand for more and more FREE gift althought we already given so damn many to them.
Ishh ishhh.
When I was workingg, I SO SO want to walk around in the pair, but when I was so damn free, I rather sleep at home. HAHAH. I waanted to get a mouse as mine was spoilt but when I was dismissed from my work and when I wanna go and look for one, ppls are preparing to TUTUP KEDAI already. SOBS. So in three days time, I only managed to buy a notebook skin and a cooler pad. LOL. Damn cheap. The price and the quality. LOL!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Work....... SOBS.
I am now currently working in a PC fair in Yuk Choy primary school as a part timer. Anyone interested to buy a laptop/notebook/dekstop/netbook are very very welcome to come and look for me :PPP We are having promotions on Dell, Acer and Toshiba. Really affordable price and really valuable :D We are giving out FREE hampers which cost RM 499 as well.. I can give you moreee freeee gifts if you were to come and buy from me. Kekekeke. Why am I promoting here? Urggghh I'm toooo into my job ROFL.
I am actually extremely tired nowwww. I never stood like today since the last time I worked which was a year ago. HmMmmm. Thats why I couldn't get any SALES today. Sad case marn. SOBS. Hopppeee I can at least sell out 5 to 10 laptops/notebooks/netbooks or whatsoever la. I dont want to be ZERO till the end of the day ago. That feeling hurtssss :( as if like I'm so uselesssss.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturdaysss are SO boring.
Sushi's mummy came to fetch us back Ipoh at around 7++
The three of us was extremely HUNGRY. And we were starving like dont know what. But, we were forced to save up $$ for our exams so were just waited and waited for her mom to arrive. But sadly, after waiting for more than half an hour. We can stand no more :(
So we cooked meee to satisfy our hungerrr =D
When I'm back in Ipoh.
Me and him went for dinner + supper at Delight.
After dinner + supper, honey asked whether we wanna go for clubbing or not, so I asked her, "where?" and she said DONT KNOW. LOL. As I was still wearing the outfit from day till night so I suggested that is better to go on Saturday. But then, me n him got no where else to go. So we went to Polo Ground. Saunteringgg all the way. BORED!! Ipoh is like so damn boringg. Hmphhh.
On Saturday,
Woke up so damn early! 9.00am... as I had to go for my pc fair job's training/briefing session. Its like so damn boring and I'm like yawning all the way. For your information, it was from 10.30am until 8.00pm. But fortunately, it ended at around 7++pm =DD My ass and leg was like cramp when I first stood up. And the manager asked us to to be there again on Tuesday and Wednesday, I, unwillingly said "yes". zZzzZzz.
Then Sushi, Violet and I headed to Parade. We were looking for the sticker thingy for our lapppy. But too bad I cant find any that matches with my style. Lalala. It was Sushi's mummy's birthday that day so I accompanied her to buy a cake for her mom. She kept asking me, which cake do I prefer
1) Tiramisu
2) Black Forest
3) Chocolate Moist
and the rest I forgot the names. So, I chose Tiramisu. She said doesnt look NICE. Well I said it is but I like the taste, she said ok then. Another second she asked again, which nicer? Black forest right? LOL. Then I knew that she wanted to buy that but she just cant decide. So I just said YEA. JUST BUY that. LOL. Girl's nature... What to do?
When I home, I quickly get myself prepared as he was waiting for me outside. So I rushed like nobody's business. But, the fastest I tried, he waited for ONE hour. =P Sorrrry. I've already tried my best to be real FAST! When I got in the car, I asked him, so where are we heading? As honey asked me to join her for the "ice flower beer" LOL. I know that thingy sound like only uncle and aunty will do, but we really have nothing better else to do. Kekeke. His bro suddenly called so we went to Zenzo at Greentown, to celebrate his birthday. I was wearing heels that night so when my friends asked me to join them, running. I only can sit and watch. HAHA. Although Im not good with that, but still ok la. HHAHAHA!!
Later, honey came and meet me for awhile before she proceed to Barbeza.
When we planned to go home, he suddenly felt hungry so we adjourned to "Sugar Water Street" for supper. while we were eating, his bro and friends suddenly came over and sat down with us without asking us(but if they asked, we also dont know to reject them).. They were apparently drunk.... So you know how drunk ppl act... Talking as if they were at their house. With vulgar words. RUDE. And. ermmmm no comment. So we left once we finished our food and drinks. HMMM...
On Sunday, I finally can sleeeeeppp until the time I feel like getting up :) LOL. So, I woke up at 2 ++. Hehehhee. Like usual, I'll be doing nothing, eating and onlining and wait for the time to pass and go back Kampar. Then mom told me to get ready by 6.45pm as we were going for dinner with grandpa at East Ocean. So I quickly went to pack my stuff and get myself done. HAHA. Suprisingly, NO one was waiting for me, but waiting for mom. LOL.
The piggy in Seng's car.
[ Stable pigggy doesnt even move a little no matter how he speed and drifttt LOL]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Excruciating pain =(
My look today. HAHA ugly